Is PLG freemium rebranded? Notion at $10B, Microsoft acquires Ally, and more...
Welcome to this week’s edition of the ✨Top of the Lyne✨ newsletter. Each week we publish the hottest news from the beautiful world of product-led growth! (PLG) The outcome we're shooting for is simple... to get enough folks excited about the product-led world that we so dearly love ❤️
Is PLG freemium rebranded? Notion at $10B, Microsoft acquires Ally, and more...
Is PLG freemium rebranded? Notion at $10B…
Is PLG freemium rebranded? Notion at $10B, Microsoft acquires Ally, and more...
Welcome to this week’s edition of the ✨Top of the Lyne✨ newsletter. Each week we publish the hottest news from the beautiful world of product-led growth! (PLG) The outcome we're shooting for is simple... to get enough folks excited about the product-led world that we so dearly love ❤️